GEDI-Related Publications

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Pascual, A., May, P. B., Cárdenas-Martínez, A., Guerra-Hernández, J., Hunka, N., Bruening, J. M., … & Dubayah, R. O. (2025). Calibration of GEDI footprint aboveground biomass models in Mediterranean forests with NFI plots: A comparison of approaches. Journal of Environmental Management375, 124313.

Adrah, E., Wong, J. P., & Yin, H. (2025). Integrating GEDI, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-1 imagery for tree crops mapping. Remote Sensing of Environment319, 114644.

Seyrek, E. C., Narin, O. G., & Uysal, M. (2025). Forest canopy cover estimation with machine learning using GEDI and Landsat data in the Western Marmara Region, Türkiye. Earth Science Informatics18(2), 1-18.

Hernández-Martínez, L. A., Dupuy-Rada, J. M., Narváez, A. M., Portillo-Quintero, C., & Hernández-Stefanoni, J. L. (2025). Improving aboveground biomass density mapping of arid and semi-arid vegetation by combining GEDI LiDAR, Sentinel-1/2 imagery and field data. Science of Remote Sensing, 100204.

Verma, A., Lanssens, B., Tölle, M., Jacquemin, I., Chaudhari, T., Hambuckers, A., & François, L. (2025). Integrating high-resolution data and species-level traits for enhanced ecosystem projections using a dynamic vegetation model: Case study in Wallonia, Belgium. Journal of Environmental Management375, 124329.

Aragoneses, E., García, M., Tang, H., & Chuvieco, E. (2025). A multi-sensor approach allows confident mapping of forest canopy fuel load and canopy bulk density to assess wildfire risk at the European scale. Remote Sensing of Environment318, 114578.

Forkel, M., Wessollek, C., Huijnen, V., Andela, N., de Laat, A., Kinalczyk, D., … & Plummer, S. (2025). Burning of woody debris dominates fire emissions in the Amazon and Cerrado. Nature Geoscience, 1-8.

Zhang, B., Wang, Z., Ma, T., Wang, Z., Li, H., Ji, W., … & Feng, Z. (2025). Correcting forest aboveground biomass biases by incorporating independent canopy height retrieval with conventional machine learning models using GEDI and ICESat-2 data. Ecological Informatics, 103045.

Zurqani, H. A. (2025). A multi-source approach combining GEDI LiDAR, satellite data, and machine learning algorithms for estimating forest aboveground biomass on Google Earth engine platform. Ecological Informatics, 103052.

Besic, N., Picard, N., Vega, C., Bontemps, J. D., Hertzog, L., Renaud, J. P., … & Ciais, P. (2025). Remote-sensing-based forest canopy height mapping: some models are useful, but might they provide us with even more insights when combined? Geoscientific Model Development18(2), 337-359.

Coops, N. C., Irwin, L. A., Seely, H. S., & Hardy, S. J. (2025). Advances in Laser Scanning to Assess Carbon in Forests: From Ground-Based to Space-Based Sensors. Current Forestry Reports11(1), 1-22.

Huang, J., & Yang, X. (2025). Evaluation and improvement of the vertical accuracy of the global open DEM under forest environment. Geocarto International40(1), 2453024.

Quirita, P. E. A., Barra, A. G. C., Navarro, L. M. P., Pereira, A. L., Castro, J. D. B., Kohler, M., & Pacheco, M. A. (2024, November). Canopy Height Estimation in Brazilian Amazon using Multisource Remote Sensing Datasets. In 2024 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Fareed, N., Numata, I., Cochrane, M. A., Novoa, S., Tenneson, K., de Melo, A. W. F., … & Zutta, B. (2025). Aboveground biomass modeling using simulated Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) waveform LiDAR and forest inventories in Amazonian rainforests. Forest Ecology and Management578, 122491.

Simard, M., Fatoyinbo, L., Thomas, N. M., Stovall, A. E., Parra, A., Barenblitt, A., … & Hajnsek, I. (2025). A New Global Mangrove Height Map with a 12 meter spatial resolution. Scientific data12(1), 15.

Jamaluddin, I., Chen, Y. N., Ayudyanti, A. G., & Fan, K. C. (2025). Exploring red-edge spectral indices for mangrove canopy height mapping using random forest regression with Sentinel-2 and spaceborne GEDI LiDAR data. In Land Surface and Cryosphere Remote Sensing V, 13263, p. 1326306. SPIE.

Favrichon, S., Lee, J., Yang, Y., Dalagnol, R., Wagner, F., Sagang, L. B., & Saatchi, S. (2025). Monitoring Changes of Forest Height in California. Frontiers in Remote Sensing5, 1459524.

Li, Y., Yan, G., Li, W., Xie, D., Jiang, H., Li, L., … & Tang, H. (2025). Accurate spaceborne waveform simulation in heterogeneous forests using small-footprint airborne LiDAR point clouds. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing220, 246-263.

Netsianda, A., & Mhangara, P. (2025). Aboveground biomass estimation in a grassland ecosystem using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and machine learning algorithms. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment197(2), 138.

Rex, F. E., Silva, C. A., Broadbent, E. N., Dalla Corte, A. P., Leite, R., Hudak, A., … & Klauber, C. (2025). Spatial Characterization of Woody Species Diversity in Tropical Savannas Using GEDI and Optical Data. Sensors25(2), 308.

Yang, H., Qin, Z., Shu, Q., Xu, L., Yu, J., Luo, S., … & Yang, Z. (2025). Estimation of Above-ground Biomass for Dendrocalamus giganteus Utilizing Spaceborne LiDAR GEDI Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

Cardenas-Martinez, A., Pascual, A., Guisado-Pintado, E., & Rodriguez-Galiano, V. (2025). Using airborne LiDAR and enhanced-geolocated GEDI metrics to map structural traits over a Mediterranean forest. Science of Remote Sensing, 100195.

Chen, S., Gong, M., Sun, H., Chen, M., & Wang, B. (2025). Estimation of Forest Canopy Height from Spaceborne Full-Waveform LiDAR Data Using a Bisection Approximation Decomposition Method. Forests16(1), 145.

Wang, S., Liu, C., Wei, S., & Tang, H. (2024). Urban tree species classification using multisource satellite remote sensing data and street view imagery. Geo-spatial Information Science, 1-21.

Schlickmann, M. B., Bueno, I. T., Valle, D., Hammond, W. M., Prichard, S. J., Hudak, A. T., … & Silva, C. A. (2025). Statewide Forest Canopy Cover Mapping of Florida Using Synergistic Integration of Spaceborne LiDAR, SAR, and Optical Imagery. Remote Sensing17(2), 320.

Kacic, P., Gessner, U., Hakkenberg, C. R., Holzwarth, S., Müller, J., Pierick, K., … & Kuenzer, C. (2025). Characterizing local forest structural complexity based on multi-platform and-sensor derived indicators. Ecological Indicators170, 113085.

El Masri, B., & Xiao, J. (2025). Comparison of global aboveground biomass estimates from satellite observations and dynamic global vegetation models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences130(1), e2024JG008305.


Xu, Q., Xie, H., Huang, P., Ji, M., Wu, H., Liu, C., … & Chen, G. (2024). An On-Orbit Calibration Model for Full-Waveform Laser Altimeters by Matching Single-Modal and Multi-Modal Waveforms. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

Zhang, H., Gong, W., He, H., Ma, Y., Chen, W., Liu, J., … & Ma, X. (2024). Global Elevation Inversion for Multi-Band Spaceborne Lidar: Pre-development of Forest Canopy Height. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

Ma, X., Zheng, G., Xu, C., Moskal, L. M., Gong, P., Guo, Q., … & Zhou, Y. (2024). A global product of 150-m urban building height based on spaceborne lidar. Scientific Data11(1), 1-14.

Noureddine, B., Mounira, O., Boularbah, S., & Djamal, B. (2024, November). Machine Learning-Based Forest Canopy Height Modeling with Multi-Sensor and GEDI Data. In 2024 4th International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems (EDiS) (pp. 68-73). IEEE.

Bueno, E. A. S., Fernández, J. L. C., Rodríguez, R. G., & Macides, N. I. E. (2024, December). Monitoring, Inspection and Early Warning System in Electrical Distribution Networks Using Satellite Images. In Proceedings (Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 27). MDPI.

Dixon, D. J., Zhu, Y., & Jin, Y. (2025). Canopy height estimation from PlanetScope time series with spatio-temporal deep learning. Remote Sensing of Environment318, 114518.

Ngo, Y. N., Minh, D. H. T., Baghdadi, N., Ferro-Famil, L., Huang, Y., Tebaldini, S., & Fayad, I. (2024). Exploring Forest Vertical Structure with TomoSense: GEDI and SAR Tomography Insights. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

Fareed, N., & Numata, I. (2024). Evaluating the impact of field-measured tree height errors correction on aboveground biomass modeling using airborne laser scanning and GEDI datasets in Brazilian Amazonia. Trees, Forests and People, 100751.

Hunka, N., May, P., Babcock, C., Armando Alanís de la Rosa, J., de los Ángeles Soriano-Luna, M., Mayorga Saucedo, R., … & Duncanson, L. (2024). A geostatistical approach to enhancing national forest biomass assessments with Earth Observation to aid climate policy needsRemote Sensing of Environment, 318, 114557.

Xu, L., Yu, J., Shu, Q., Luo, S., & Zhou, W. (2024). Forest aboveground biomass estimation based on spaceBorne liDAR combining machine learning model and geostatistical method. Frontiers in Plant Science15, 1428268.

Qi, W., Armston, J., Choi, C., Stovall, A., Saarela, S., Pardini, M., et al. (2024). Mapping large-scale pantropical forest canopy height by integrating GEDI lidar and TanDEM-X InSAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 318, 114534.

Ali, Y., & Rahman, M. M. (2024). Quantifying forest stocking changes in Sundarbans mangrove using remote sensing dataScience of Remote Sensing, 100181.

Keawsomsee, S., & Tongleamnak, S. (2024, November). Assessment of aboveground biomass and carbon stock of rubber plantation using random forest regression with satellite imagery data from Planet NICFI and GEDI data. In 2024 28th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Zhou, Y., Taylor, D., & Tang, H. (2024). Improved country-wide estimation of above-ground tropical forest biomass using locally calibrated GEDI spaceborne LiDAR dataEnvironmental Research Letters.

Woodgate, W., Phinn, S., Devereux, T., & Aryal, R. R. (2025). Bushfire recovery at a long-term tall eucalypt flux site through the lens of a satellite: Combining multi-scale data for structural-functional insight. Remote Sensing of Environment317, 114530.

Donev, P., Wang, H., Qin, S., Li, X., Zhang, M., Liu, S., & Wang, X. (2024). Cross-modal fusion approach with Multispectral, LiDAR, and SAR data for Forest Canopy Height Mapping in Mountainous Region. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 103819.

Huang, J., & Cao, X. (2024). Assessment and Optimization of Forest Aboveground Biomass in Liaoning Province. Forests15(12), 2095.

Gutiérrez-Vélez, V. H., Rodriguez-Escobar, J., Mejía, A., Espejo, J., Anaya, J. A., & Blair, M. E. (2024). Mapping forest cover and change as continuous variables is essential to advance consistency across forest monitoring products. GIScience & Remote Sensing61(1), 2427305.

Gu, H. (2024, October). Exploration of a Neural Network Transfer Learning Approach to Estimate Aboveground Biomass with Insufficient Temporal Data. In 2024 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences (ICDS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Hakkenberg, C. R., Clark, M. L., Bailey, T., Burns, P., & Goetz, S. J. (2024). Ladder fuels rather than canopy volumes consistently predict wildfire severity even in extreme topographic-weather conditions. Communications Earth & Environment5(1), 721.

Altarez, R. D. D., Apan, A., & Maraseni, T. (2024). Integrated multi-satellite data and machine learning approach in mapping the successional stages of forest types in a tropical montane forest. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 101407.

Chen, R., Wang, X., Liu, X., & Wang, S. (2024). Optimizing GEDI Canopy Height Estimation and Analyzing Error Impact Factors Under Highly Complex Terrain and High-Density Vegetation Conditions. Forests15(11).

Cǎțeanu, M., & Miclescu, S. M. (2024). Evaluation of GEDI/ICESat-2 Satellite Lidar Datasets for Ground Surface Modelling. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Forestry and Cadastre81(2), 1-11.

Alvites, C., O’Sullivan, H., Saverio, F., Marco, M., Santopuoli, G., Chirici, G., … & Bazzato, E. (2024). Canopy Height Mapper: a Google Earth Engine application for predicting global canopy heights combining GEDI with multi-source data. Environmental Modelling & Software, 106268.

Kaya, Y. (2024). Automated Estimation of Building Heights with ICESat-2 and GEDI LiDAR Altimeter and Building Footprints: The Case of New York City and Los Angeles. Buildings14(11), 3571.

Huang, J., Thilini Madushani, J. A., Xia, T., & Gan, X. (2024). Optimizing Forest Canopy Height Estimation Through Varied Photon-Counting Characteristic Parameter Analysis, Window Size, and Forest CoverForests15(11), 1957.

Ghivarry, G., Kutchartt, E., & Pirotti, F. (2024). Assessing the potential of polarimetric decomposition of Sentinel-1 SAR for the estimation of mangrove forest biomass. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences48, 183-190.

Bhuyan, M., Jeganathan, C., & Pujar, G. S. (2024). Enhancing Forest Canopy Height Mapping in Kaziranga National Park, Assam, by Integrating LISS IV and SAR data with GEDI LiDAR data Using Machine Learning. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences10, 39-44.

Putzenlechner, B., Bevern, F., Koal, P., Grieger, S., Kappas, M., Koukal, T., … & Filipponi, F. (2024). Accuracy assessment of LAI, PAI and FCOVER from Sentinel-2 and GEDI for monitoring forests and their disturbance in Central Germany. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2422323.

Han, H., Xu, K., Zhang, Z., Zhao, P., Jiang, H., & Ding, A. (2024). Impact of GEDI-derived Forest Vertical Structure Characteristics on the Accuracy Gains in Regional Dominant Tree Species Mapping. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

Simard, M., Denbina, M., Marshak, C., & Neumann, M. (2024). A global evaluation of radar‐derived digital elevation models: SRTM, NASADEM, and GLO‐30. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences129(11), e2023JG007672.

Ma, Z., Zhang, S., Camps, A., Park, H., Liu, Q., Tan, P., & Wang, C. (2024). A fast and efficient method to estimate inland water levels using CYGNSS L1 data and DTMs: Application to Floods, lakes and reservoirs monitoring. Journal of Hydrology, 132258.

Liao, Z., Yue, C., He, B., Zhao, K., Ciais, P., Alkama, R., … & Wang, M. (2024). Growing biomass carbon stock in China driven by expansion and conservation of woody areas. Nature Geoscience, 1-8.

Di Tommaso, S., Wang, S., Strey, R., & Lobell, D. B. (2024). Mapping sugarcane globally at 10 m resolution using Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) and Sentinel-2. Earth System Science Data16(10), 4931-4947.

Wang, Z., Yang, X., & Cai, H. (2024). Optimizing key parameters (biological-control factor) of soil erosion simulation models at a regional scale–The case of Jiangxi Province, ChinaCATENA247, 108488.

Hosseiny, B., Zaboli, M., & Homayouni, S. (2024). Forest Change Mapping using Multi-Source Satellite SAR, Optical, and LiDAR Remote Sensing Data. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences10, 163-168.

Jiang, H., Li, Y., Yan, G., Li, W., Li, L., Yang, F., … & Morsdorf, F. (2024). Unveiling Anomalies in Terrain Elevation Products from Spaceborne Full-Waveform LiDAR over Forested Areas. Forests15(10), 1821.

Pandey, P. C. (2024). Relationship of bioclimatic and topographic variation on species-biomass distribution in tropical forest reserve. Tropical Ecology, 1-15.

Barry, B. R., Holbrook, J. D., Vogeler, J. C., Elliott, L. H., Weldy, M. J., Lesmeister, D. B., … & Vierling, K. T. (2024). Using spaceborne LiDAR to reveal drivers of animal demography. Ecological applications: a publication of the Ecological Society of America, e3048.

Picard, J., Nungi‐Pambu Dembi, M. M., Barbier, N., Cornu, G., Couteron, P., Forni, E., … & Réjou‐Méchain, M. (2024). Combining satellite and field data reveals Congo’s forest types structure, functioning and compositionRemote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Moudrý, V., Gábor, L., Marselis, S., Pracná, P., Barták, V., Prošek, J., … & Wild, J. (2024). Comparison of three global canopy height maps and their applicability to biodiversity modeling: Accuracy issues revealed. Ecosphere, 15(10), e70026.

Pourrahmati, M. R., Baghdadi, N., Scolforo, H. F., Alvares, C. A., Stape, J. L., Fayad, I., & le Maire, G. (2024). Integration of very high-resolution stereo satellite images and airborne or satellite Lidar for Eucalyptus canopy height estimation. Science of Remote Sensing, 100170.

Xu, J., Farwell, L., Radeloff, V. C., Luther, D., Songer, M., Cooper, W. J., & Huang, Q. (2024). Avian diversity across guilds in North America versus vegetation structure as measured by the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)Remote Sensing of Environment315, 114446.

Li, Q., Wang, D., Liu, F., Yu, J., & Jia, Z. (2024). LightGBM hybrid model based DEM correction for forested areas. PloS one19(10), e0309025.

Ortiz-Reyes, A. D., Barrera-Ortega, D., Velasco-Bautista, E., Romero-Sánchez, M. E., & Correa-Díaz, A. (2024). Predicting forest parameters through generalized linear mixed models using GEDI metrics in a temperate forest in Oaxaca, MexicoInternational Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-24.

Bincai, C., Jianrong, W., Xueliang, L., YongQiang, W., & Zhuang, L. (2024). Spaceborne laser altimetry data processing and application. IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.1004899

Normandin, C., Frappart, F., Baghdadi, N., Bourrel, L., Luque, S. P., Ygorra, B., … & Wigneron, J. P. First results of the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) observations to rivers elevation profiles in the Cuvette Centrale of the Congo Basin. Frontiers in Remote Sensing5, 1466695.

Lutz, N., Oliveras, I., & Rodriguez-Veiga, P. (2024). Estimating vegetation structure and aboveground carbon storage in Western Australia using GEDI LiDAR, Landsat, and Sentinel data. Environmental Research: Ecology.

Bührs, M., Zepp, H., & Schmitt, T. (2024). Evaluating urban biodiversity: Effectiveness of citizen science driven species distribution models in urban ecosystems: A case study in the Ruhr Metropolis, GermanyERDKUNDE, 195-224.

de Conto, T., Armston, J., & Dubayah, R. (2024). Characterizing the structural complexity of the Earth’s forests with spaceborne lidar. Nature Communications15(1), 8116.

Krawczyk, W., & Wężyk, P. (2024). How to get closer to actual forest stand height using GEDI? A case study in central European Scots pine stands. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2399209.

Wang, Z., Liu, J., Sheng, Y., & Yang, X. (2024). Intercomparison of the DART model and GEDI simulator for simulating GEDI waveforms in forests. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 134, 104148.

Yan, K., Ding, C., & Qi, J. (2024). New Insights into Remote Sensing of Vegetation Structural ParametersForests15(9), 1555.

Min, W., Chen, Y., Huang, W., Wilson, J. P., Tang, H., Guo, M., & Xu, R. (2024). Incorporating of spatial effects in forest canopy height mapping using airborne, spaceborne lidar and spatial continuous remote sensing data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation133, 104123.

Li, Y., Fang, H., Wang, Y., Li, S., Ma, T., Wu, Y., & Tang, H. (2024). Validation of the vertical canopy cover profile products derived from the GEDI over selected forest sites. Science of Remote Sensing, 100158.

Li, Y., Gao, S., Fu, H., Zhu, J., Hu, Q., Zeng, D., & Wei, Y. (2024). Error Analysis and Accuracy Improvement in Forest Canopy Height Estimation Based on GEDI L2A Product: A Case Study in the United States. Forests15(9), 1536.

Ticehurst, C., & Newnham, G. (2024). Producing annual Australia-wide vegetation height images from GEDI and Landsat data. International Journal of Remote Sensing45(18), 6445-6469.

Wang, R., Lu, Y., Lu, D., & Li, G. (2024). Improving extraction of forest canopy height through reprocessing ICESat-2 ATLAS and GEDI data in sparsely forested plain regions. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 61(1), 2396807.

Simard, M., Fatoyinbo, L., Thomas, N., Stovall, A., Parra, A., Denbina, M. W., … & Hajnsek, I. (2024). CMS: Global Mangrove Canopy Height Maps Derived from TanDEM-X, 2015. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

May, P. B., Schlund, M., Armston, J., Kotowska, M. M., Brambach, F., Wenzel, A., & Erasmi, S. (2024). Mapping aboveground biomass in Indonesian lowland forests using GEDI and hierarchical models. Remote Sensing of Environment313, 114384.

Li, J., Ding, Y., Xie, T., Bai, S., Zhang, X., & Wang, C. (2024). Integrative plant area index retrieval and spatiotemporal analysis in Taihu Lake Basin via synergistic active-passive remote sensing techniques. International Journal of Remote Sensing45(18), 6077-6095.

Tran, T. T., & Huynh, H. X. (2023, October). Comprehensive Survey On Remote Sensing Image Processing Techniques for Image Classification. In International Conference on Context-Aware Systems and Applications (pp. 102-114). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Li, L., Cui, Y., Duan, X. & Long, D. (2024). Monthly monitoring of inundated areas and water storage dynamics in China’s large reservoirs using multisource remote sensing. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR036450.

Leite, R. V., Amaral, C., Neigh, C. S., Cosenza, D. N., Klauberg, C., Hudak, A. T., … & Silva, C. A. (2024). Leveraging the next generation of spaceborne Earth observations for fuel monitoring and wildland fire management. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

Burns, P., Hakkenberg, C. R., & Goetz, S. J. (2024). Multi-resolution gridded maps of vegetation structure from GEDI. Scientific Data11(1), 881.

Yang, X., Wang, C., Xi, X., Niu, Z., Li, D., Nie, S., … & Wang, R. (2024). Assessment of Multiple Scattering in LiDAR Canopy Waveform. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

Kamath, H. G., Singh, M., Malviya, N., Martilli, A., He, L., Aliaga, D., … & Niyogi, D. (2024). GLObal Building heights for Urban Studies (UT-GLOBUS) for city-and street-scale urban simulations: Development and first applications. Scientific Data11(1), 886.

Yang, H., Qin, Z., Shu, Q., Xi, L., Xia, C., Wu, Z., … & Duan, D. (2024). Estimation of the Aboveground Carbon Storage of Dendrocalamus giganteus Based on Spaceborne Lidar Co-Kriging. Forests15(8), 1440.

Liu, X., Forkel, M., & Kranz, J. (2024). Investigating the Association of Seasonal Dynamics in GEDI Canopy Cover Profiles and Sentinel-1 Backscatter in Temperate Forests. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

Cai, Y., Xu, X., Zhu, P., Nie, S., Wang, C., Xiong, Y., & Liu, X. (2024). Unveiling spatiotemporal tree cover patterns in China: The first 30 m annual tree cover mapping from 1985 to 2023. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 216, 240-258.

Cooley, S. S., Pinto, N., Becerra, M., Alvarado, J. W. V., Fahlen, J. C., Rivera, O., … & Menge, D. N. (2024). Combining spaceborne lidar from the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation with local knowledge for monitoring fragmented tropical landscapes: A case study in the forest–agriculture interface of Ucayali, Peru. Ecology and Evolution14(8), e70116.

Liang, S., He, T., Huang, J., Jia, A., Zhang, Y., Cao, Y., … & Song, L. (2024). Advances in high-resolution land surface satellite products: A comprehensive review of inversion algorithms, products and challenges. Science of Remote Sensing, 100152.

Li, H., Hiroshima, T., Li, X., Hayashi, M., & Kato, T. (2024). High-resolution mapping of forest structure and carbon stock using multi-source remote sensing data in Japan. Remote Sensing of Environment312, 114322.

Simard, M., Fatoyinbo, L., Thomas, N., Stovall, A., Parra, A., Denbina, M. W., … & Hajnsek, I. (2024). CMS: Global Mangrove Canopy Height Maps Derived from TanDEM-X, 2015. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Vázquez-Rowe, I., Cucchi, C., Moya, L., Parodi, E., & Kahhat, R. (2024). Applying the multi-dimensional damage assessment (MDDA) methodology to the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption in La Palma (Spain). Natural Hazards, 1-32.

Elliott, L., Vogeler, J. C., Holbrook, J. D., Barry, B. R., & Vierling, K. T. (2024). Assessing GEDI data fusions to map woodpecker distributions and biodiversity hotspots. Environmental Research Letters, 19, 094027.

Chazette, M., Chazette, P., Reiter, I. M., Shang, X., Totems, J., Orts, J. P., … & Montes, N. (2024). Assessment of carbon mass in a Mediterranean downy oak ecosystem using airborne lidar and NASA Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) data. Biogeosciences21(14), 3289-3303.

Martins, F. C., Godinho, S., Guiomar, N., Medinas, D., Rebelo, H., Segurado, P., & Marques, J. T. (2024). Vegetation canopy height shapes bats’ occupancy: a remote sensing approach. GIScience & Remote Sensing61(1), 2374150.

Carcereri, D., Rizzoli, P., Dell’Amore, L., Bueso-Bello, J. L., Ienco, D., & Bruzzone, L. (2024). Generation of country-scale canopy height maps over Gabon using deep learning and TanDEM-X InSAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 311, 114270.

Besic, N., Durrieu, S., Schleich, A., & Vega, C. (2024). Using structural class pairing to address the spatial mismatch between GEDI measurements and NFI plots. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

Chou, T. C., Zhu, X., & Reef, R. (2024). Improving post-fire GEDI canopy height accuracy and canopy height mapping through convolutional neural network model. International Journal of Remote Sensing45(15), 5248-5265.

Hung, W. T., Campbell, P. C., Moon, Z., Saylor, R., Kochendorfer, J., Lee, T. R., & Massman, W. (2024). Evaluation of an in‐canopy wind and wind adjustment factor model for wildfire spread applications across scales. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems16(7), e2024MS004300.

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